We started as a small volunteer organization in 1965 and have grown as our community has. We currently cover over 400 square miles in Monroe and Pike counties, and handle over 3000 calls a year. Our coverage area includes Lehman Township, Middle Smithfield Township, Smithfield Township, and part of Price Township. Our main stations are on Winona Falls Road, behind Foxmoor Village, and in the Mr. Z's Complex. We also have a unit housed in the Lehman Township Municipal complex.


 We provide the following services:


  • ALS - Advanced Life Support

  • BLS - Basic Life Support

  • Transport Services

  • Private Stand By's

  • Public Education

  • Search and Rescue

  • Mutual Aid (see link above)



  • Always call 911 in an emergency to contact us.

  • Teach children how to use 911.

  • Write down detailed directions to your home and keep by your phone (it is sometimes hard to think during an emergency).


  • Have a list of family members' medications, allergies, past medical history, and insurance information readily available.

  • Move all furniture out of the way to make a "path".

  • Place all dogs and cats in a separate room with the door closed.

  • Keep talking to patient, and don't give them anything to eat or drink.

  • Have someone looking for the ambulance or park a car at the end of your driveway with its four-way flashers on.

  • Make sure your house is well marked. (We have reflective number signs available.)

  • In the winter, always have the driveway, a path, and steps cleared of the snow and ice.